13.10.2014 | 09:44
In English I have been working with animals in a group project, Tinna my teacher chose the gropes, we were four in my group, Elķsabet, Szymon and Aron and me. We were supposed to pick one animal, we chose koala bears. We made a Glogster poster with text and pictures and one video. We chose to write about koalas because we found them so cute and we wanted to learn more about them. I found the text and Aron wrote it in word and I made the glogster poster, Elķsabet found a few pictures and Szymon was looking for a video. Aron made the presentation and I helped him. We practiced the presentation and presented it for our class. It didnt go as we thought. But either way it went really good. I learned everything I know now becuse I didn't know anything
Here is our glogster project, enjoy
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